NCETM School Development Lead Programme

NCETM School Development Lead Programme

Professional Development Lead Programmes 

Become an NCETM accredited PD Lead 

“One of the main criteria for successful PD is that it stimulates new thinking – this certainly did that for me. Very thought provoking and inspiring.” 

NCETM Professional Development Lead accreditation is designed for those who lead professional development for teachers of maths. 

Who can take part? 

These programmes are for expert teachers of maths (all phases from Early Years to post-16) who have existing commitments and responsibility for designing, leading and evaluating maths teacher professional development, and who will lead maths professional development beyond their own institution. Participants must be based at a school/institution in England. 

Learn what’s involved in the application process by downloading this information document

What is involved? 

The PD Lead Programme is designed for participants who are working with other teachers to enhance teaching and learning of maths. 

Participants benefit from the equivalent of three one-day workshops (face-to-face and online). The completion of an Accreditation Evidence Document, which facilitates critical reflection on participants’ learning and the professional development they design, deliver and evaluate over the year, is also required. Participants will design, lead, review and refine a programme of support for maths teacher professional development, drawing upon a range of evidence-informed models and activity. 

What will you learn? 

  • You will design, lead, review and refine a professional development programme 
  • You will critically evaluate your own professional development programme against your intended outcomes 
  • You will identify key principles of maths CPD design and the implications of these for the programme you design  
  • You will recognise the key distinction between teachers’ knowledge of maths, and teachers’ knowledge of teaching maths 

Participants will also have the opportunity to pay to work with the University of Chester and gain an academic award (PG Cert) for completing an enhanced version of the programme. 

What is the cost? 

The Professional Development Lead Programmes are fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so are free to participants and their schools. 

How to apply  

Application window is usually open from January to March and applications are directly through the NCETM website. 

To find out more information, please e-mail us at