Secondary Maths Subject Leaders Community

Secondary Maths Subject Leaders Community

Professional development designed specifically for secondary heads of maths 


The purpose of this project is to offer focused support to secondary heads of department/subject leaders, to enable them to better understand and implement teaching for mastery approaches across their department, and to develop in their role as leaders of both student learning and teacher professional development. 

This project provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of teaching approaches; of their wider roles; and of their capacity with their colleagues to transform secondary maths learning. They will work collaboratively with other subject leaders, discuss developments and engage with research, and use this experience to inform their work in leading and developing maths education in school. 

Who can take part? 

The project is for secondary heads of department/subject leaders, and is open to heads of department in schools already involved with Maths Hubs and to those who are not yet involved.  

What is involved? 

Participants and their schools are expected to commit to three days of workshops plus additional work in school. This will include hub-based meetings and workshops (which may be a mix of face-to-face and online), school-based tasks, and participation in an online community. It is expected that activity associated with this project is sustained over the school year, across two terms at least. Participants will have several opportunities to meet, and will have school-based tasks to engage with between these meetings. Success and impact will depend upon participants’ active engagement with departmental school-based tasks.  

Much of the work will involve each individual department working on elements of their action plan and developing collaborative ways of working which support their continuing professional development. In addition, it will be important for all participants to benefit from the expertise and experiences of the group of departments represented. A key focus will be on subject leaders supporting each other through the sharing of strategies and practice within the context of a vibrant professional learning community. 

What is the cost? 

The Secondary Maths Subject Leaders Community project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools. 

To find out more information, please e-mail us at