The Maths Hub mastery journey (click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey).
The focus of this year of support is to build initial developments into a coherent and long-term departmental plan, targeting the needs of students and teachers.
Work is likely to include Advocates and others observing the Mastery Specialist in the specialist’s own school. The Mastery Specialist will also work alongside Advocates and other members of the department to jointly plan individual lessons, sequences of lessons or longer units of work, and support the Advocates to enable them to lead PD sessions for their departmental colleagues. The Mastery Specialist will work alongside Advocates to support and develop other departmental members’ teaching as appropriate, and to develop schemes of work and other departmental systems and structures to allow for a full teaching for mastery approach.
This project is for advocates who have previously participated in Development Work Groups.
The Mastery Advocates (designated previously in the Development Work Group) will work closely with an assigned Mastery Specialist to help them embed teaching for mastery approaches across the whole department. The focus will be on constructing or refining a coherent development plan, and supporting and leading the whole department in realising the aims of that development plan. Schools at this stage of the Teaching for Mastery Programme also join the Sustaining Work Group (NCP24-14), where they are part of a wider professional learning community.
This is a bespoke programme of support, with the assigned specialist spending their time working alongside and supporting the Advocates. Work is likely to include Advocates and others observing the Mastery Specialist in the specialist’s own school. The Mastery Specialist will also work alongside Advocates and other members of the department to jointly plan individual lessons, sequences of lessons or longer units of work, and support the Advocates to enable them to lead PD sessions for their departmental colleagues. The Mastery Specialist will work alongside Advocates to support and develop other departmental members’ teaching as appropriate, and to develop schemes of work and other departmental systems and structures to allow for a full teaching for mastery approach.
The Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Sustaining project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools. In addition participating schools receive £1000 towards the cost of releasing teachers.
To be added at a later date
Application form to be added at a later date