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Mastering Number

This programme is now fully booked for 2024 – 25. Please e-mail us at for further information.

This fully funded programme aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.

Each school taking part will nominate 3 teachers to participate – one each from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Y5-Y8 Continuity Work Group

The key aim of this programme is to strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school by focusing on curriculum and pedagogical continuity over Years 5 to 8.

A key theme is multiplicative reasoning and content will include developing a deeper understanding of multiplicative structures, such as fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios.

A lesson study approach is encouraged where all participants focus on a particular aspect of the maths curriculum and work collaboratively to develop this in their schools. Cross-phase classroom observation and discussion of practice is encouraged wherever possible. Participants are expected to consider ways to develop the approaches explored during the project with other staff in their schools.

We are running Work Groups covering each of our 5 boroughs – Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale and Stockport – and are recruiting Secondary schools and their feeder Primary schools to take part.